
Village of Frymburk

Frymburk, Czech - 2017 Minolta XD-11 Rokkor-X F/2.8 24mm

A lovely, quaint village sitting on the shores of Lipno Lake: Anne and I recorded some of the vernacular architecture and landscape that make this location a must for any ones travel bucket list.

Eastman Double-X/5222 Film. ISO-250

Frymburk Clothes Lines

Frymburk, Czech - 2017 Minolta XD-11 Rokkor-X F/2.8 24mm

A lovely, quaint village sitting on the shores of Lipno Lake: Anne and I recorded some of the vernacular architecture and landscape that make this location a must for any ones travel bucket list.

Eastman Double-X/5222 Film. ISO-250

Frymburk Wash and Dry

Frymburk, Czech - 2017 Minolta XD-11 Rokkor-X F/2.8 24mm

A lovely, quaint village sitting on the shores of Lipno Lake: Anne and I recorded some of the vernacular architecture and landscape that make this location a must for any ones travel bucket list.

Eastman Double-X/5222 Film. ISO-250

Frymburk Garden

Frymburk, Czech - 2017 Minolta XD-11 Rokkor-X F/2.8 24mm

A lovely, quaint village sitting on the shores of Lipno Lake: Anne and I recorded some of the vernacular architecture and landscape that make this location a must for any ones travel bucket list.

Eastman Double-X/5222 Film. ISO-250

Frymburk Neighbors Yard

Frymburk, Czech - 2017 Minolta XD-11 Rokkor-X F/2.8 24mm

A lovely, quaint village sitting on the shores of Lipno Lake: Anne and I recorded some of the vernacular architecture and landscape that make this location a must for any ones travel bucket list.

Eastman Double-X/5222 Film. ISO-250

Village of Frymburk
Frymburk Clothes Lines
Frymburk Wash and Dry
Frymburk Garden
Frymburk Neighbors Yard