CLICK on Photo: New Mexico 2018 - Pueblo Mission Study Taos Pueblo, New Mexico 2018 (Ultra Max 400 BW Film)

CLICK on Photo: New Mexico 2018 - Pueblo Mission Study Taos Pueblo, New Mexico 2018 (Ultra Max 400 BW Film)

CLICK on Photo: Jewish Quarters Prague - 2017 (Eastman Double-X/5222)

CLICK on Photo: Jewish Quarters Prague - 2017 (Eastman Double-X/5222)

(BW film including Eastman Double-X/5222) Notes will describe the type of film and if developing included processing beyond the films native ISO (usually referred to as, “Pushed” or Push-processed). As always, your comments/questions on any of the images and text you see is welcomed. Please, reach out to me via the “Contact” page or PM on our FB page or email: